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Stiga Insta Play Table Tennis Table

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

wonderful Table Tennis Tips and Tricks

Digital Photography Secretsby David Peterson Click Here!
How to

Starting out with any new sport can be a daunting challenge. While enthusiasm and determination are key elements to mastering any sport, it is imperative to be able to understand some fine points as well in order to be able to fully grasp the game. In this write up we share with you some tips and tricks for playing Ping Pong. These tips will help you to gain an edge over your opponents.

1. One of our first tips is to learn to put a spin on the ball effectively. Being able to spin a ball right will allow you to hit it with more force without running the risk of sending it off the table and losing points. By learning to spin the ball right you will be able to curve it in the direction you want and once it lands on your opponent's side it will bounce agreeing to the direction you sent it in- this can give you a strong hand on the court as you will be able to manipulate where the ball goes and with how much momentum.

Table Tennis

2. Next we advise learning how to use slam shots or "smashes", as they are otherwise known, as often as possible. A smash shot is one that is directed with the most minimal estimate of topspin on the ball. By sending a smash shot across the court you effectively lower your opponent's chances of being able to return the shot and thus increase your own chances of gaining the point. While using slam shots you should use a systematic procedure that begins with low paced shots and ends with high aimed shots. The focus of these shots is to increase the pace at which the ball travels instead of affecting the topspin.

How to wonderful Table Tennis Tips and Tricks

3. Learn how to spike the ball right. Spike shots and also slam shots make for exquisite offensive stokes. They allow you to immediately put your opponent at a disadvantage because shots that have been spiked and slam shots are very hard to return back across the table. Once you have mastered spike shots start practicing the art of executing spike shots in a cross court direction. By sending them cross court you reduce the chances of manufacture a mistake in your serve or return.

wonderful Table Tennis Tips and Tricks

Digital Photography Secretsby David Peterson Click Here!

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