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Here's a post I recently wrote on the Ooak Table Tennis Forum that got some inescapable feedback. I wrote it in response to a lot of posters being upset by Australia's not bringing home any medals from the Commonwealth Games and a lot of them saying that more government funding was necessary. Anyway, here it is. Hope you enjoy.
I think we're all missing a great chance here. I agree that Tt deserves government funding for health benefits as others pointed out, but there are loads of other sports that keep people fit that are much more popular, so any funding will go there first. And saying table tennis will never be as favorite as other sports because it doesn't go well with Tv is a cop-out in my opinion. Since I've been watching table tennis, I can't watch regular tennis anymore because I find it so slow. And I know there are loads of people out there who feel the same way. Table tennis will work on Tv, it might just need some visual aids to help the casual viewer understand spin etc. And maybe a commentator with a colourful personality.
Table Tennis
What needs to happen right now is grassroots promotion of the sport by us, the players. This means that if one of your non-Tt friends asks you about Tt, you should be willing to talk their ear off about how great it is. This is not happening at the occasion in my contact but that's how a collective movement starts: word of mouth. More passionate existing players = attraction of new players = more Tv coverage = more government funding = more medals = even more new players. The first steps are the hardest work, but how much do we want it? I'm pretty sure everybody on this forum wants it actually bad. This whole process could take 20 years, maybe more but we gotta start somewhere.
Let's break it down so it doesn't seem so hard. Ive heard that there are 20 million registered players in China. I was surprised that this is less than 2% of the population. But never mind, let's aim for 2% in our respective countries. Do you think you could walk in to a room of 100 people and convince just 2 of them to join your local club. Doesn't sound too hard does it? But let's make it even easier. Here's a quote from other thread.
mynamenotbob wrote:The state of table tennis in the United States is quite bizarre and fractured. There are only 8,000 or so Usatt-registered players although I keep hearing these estimates of 10 to 20 million who play some form of table tennis here annually. The game is actually an inexpressive sport in this country.
Ok great. Lets estimate 15 million in the Us, or about 5% of the people (sorry don't know exact people of the Us). These guys are our prime target. If you walked into a room of 100 of these guys, how many of them do you think you could convince to join your local club? Remember, they already play some form of Tt, so they should be a lot easier to talk nearby than the first group of 100. I'm going to say 10. If this is true, than that means we have an "easy" 0.5%, (or 1/4 of our total target 2%) of the people flooding to the Tt clubs of the Us or 1.5 million. 1.5 million is a lot harder for a government to ignore than the current 8,000 registered players. Assume similar percentages for other countries and things start to look actually good.
Ok, in hindsight, I've made a lot of estimations in this post that might be off, but the basic view is still valid. Be proud of your chosen sport and tell others about it. You can make others care by showing how much you care. Also, when I say "walk into a room of 100 people" it implies collective sPeaking in front of strangers, but this is not what I actually mean. How many Facebook friends do you have? It's pretty easy to start with these people who already know you and are more willing to listen to what you say.
So there you go, "Statistically expanding Popularity of Table Tennis with Zero Government Funding 101". It won't be quick. It won't be easy. But if we want it enough, it will happen.
How We Can All increase The Popularity of Table TennisDigital Photography Secrets by David Peterson Click Here!
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