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Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Evolution of Table Tennis

Digital Photography Secretsby David Peterson Click Here!

The game of Table Tennis has gone through lot of modifiCations in its most appealing history. From a pastime freedom sport, played for fun, Table Tennis is now ranked as a major sport at the Olympics. Given below is a brief synopsis of how the current version took over from ping-pong.

First ready records about the game tell us that the game originated in the late nineteenth century. Last few decades saw the game taking its introductory format in Britain, where a raw version of the game was played. Substantially the game gained popularity all over England.

Table Tennis

Immediately at the start of the twentieth century, the first real racket was invented by Hamley's. This racket had a wooden cope mounted on an roughly oval frame. It was then given the official name of ping-pong by J. Jacques and Son Ltd, by an English manufacturer. In 1903 in a quest to make the game, modern tool was designed. E. C. Goode was responsible to give the tool a modern look. A wooden bat with reinforced rubber retention on cope was used. This gave a good grip at the racket and enabled more craft. Before the evolution of a modern table Tennis bat, an Englishman named James Gibb had developed celluloid balls. These balls bounced much good on a hard surface and proved exquisite for spins.

The Evolution of Table Tennis

During the second decade observation to be an imagery of British Empire, controversies began to rise appealing the game in the surface world. It is ostensible that the game has a basic characteristic of being a high paced game which requires spontaneous operation and reflexes. Critics believed that the game may spoil the visual quality of players and spectators as well. Some countries even opted for banning the game.

During the third decade, England made enthusiastic efforts to get it recognized at global level. The first major step was to give it some Catchy name which was finally decided to be 'table Tennis'. An official body namely Table Tennis connection was formed in 1921. Later in 1926 other bigger body was formed as International Table Tennis Federation. With launching of these organizations international competitions also started. London hosted the world's first international table tennis tournament in 1927.

Afterwards international exposure resulted in more improvements in the equipment. While mid-twentieth century, the racket was refined with leech and rubber to give it a pro look. Some technical variations were made allowing players to play distinct strokes. The belief of spin and speed gained new heights in the game. In 1988 table tennis was included in Olympics.

With the increasing in the Olympics, table tennis attracted hordes of spectators. In its current format, quick movements the players make it impossible to watch. This question was overcome by increasing the ball diameters to 40 mm. This resulted in slow ball movement and easy viewing on television. Serving style was also altered. The game scoring was reduced to 11 points which proved commercially beneficial for television.

The Evolution of Table Tennis

Digital Photography Secretsby David Peterson Click Here!

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